به این نوشته امتیاز دهید
در این بخش واژگان درس ۴ زبان انگلیسی دهم را به همراه یک مثال، معنای انگلیسی، و معنای فارسی قرار داده ایم. لغات درس چهارم زبان انگلیسی دهم بسیار مهم هستند و دانش آموزان باید آن را بسیار خوب فرا بگیرند.
همچنین لغات سایر دروس دهم را می توانید از اینجا ببینید:
واژگان درس ۱ زبان انگلیسی دهم
واژگان درس ۲ زبان انگلیسی دهم
واژگان درس ۳ زبان انگلیسی دهم
Num | Word | Definition | Example | Meaning |
۱ | travel | to go from one place to another, or to several places, especially ones that are far away | Helena really likes to travel. | سفر کردن |
۲ | abroad | in or to a foreign country | Our daughter wants to study abroad for a year. | خارج از کشور |
۳ | attraction | in or to a foreign country | The beautiful beaches are the island’s main attraction. | جستجو کردن |
۴ | ticket | a printed piece of paper which shows that you have paid to enter a cinema, travel on a bus, plane etc. | How much are tickets for the concert? | بلیط |
۵ | destination | the place that someone or something is going to | Maui is a popular tourist destination. | مقصد |
۶ | airport | a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for passengers to wait in = airfield | Her family went to see her off at the airport. | فرودگاه |
۷ | locate | to find the exact position of something | If you have difficulty locating a particular book, please ask one of the librarians. | تعیین محل کردن مکان یابی کردن |
۸ | pilgrim | a religious person who travels a long way to a holy place | More than a million pilgrims come to Karbala each year. | زائر |
۹ | booklet | a very short book that usually contains information on one particular subject = leaflet | A booklet on AIDS is going to publish next month. | کتابچه، دفترچه |
۱۰ | site | a place where something important or interesting happened | A home for the elderly will be built on the site of the old hospital. | جا، مکان، محل |
۱۱ | vacation | a holiday, or time spent not working | They’re on vacation for the next two weeks. | تعطیل، مرخصی |
۱۲ | carefully | in a careful way ≠ carelessly | The book must be handled carefully because of its age. | با دقت |
۱۳ | historical | relating to the past | It is important to look at the novel in its historical context. | تاریخی |
۱۴ | holy | connected with God and religion = sacred | In Islam, only the Qur’an is considered holy. | مقدس، مطهر |
۱۵ | shrine | a place that is connected with a holy event or holy person, and that people visit to pray | The pilgrims came to Imam Reza Holy Shrine. | مقبره، آرامگاه |
۱۶ | travel agent | someone who owns or works in a travel agency | Can my travel agent take care of it? | متصدی فروش بلیط |
۱۷ | actually | used to add new information to what you have just said, to give your opinion, or to start a new conversation | Actually, on second thoughts, I don’t think I want to go out tonight. | در حقیقت، در واقع |
۱۸ | suggestion | an idea, plan, or possibility that someone mentions, or the act of mentioning it | Any helpful suggestions would be welcome. | پیشنهاد |
۱۹ | choice | if you have a choice, you can choose between several things = choose | He says he lives on the street by choice. | انتخاب |
۲۰ | famous | known about by many people in many places | “David Copperfield” is one of Dickens’ most famous books. | معروف |
Num | Word | Definition | Example | Meaning |
۲۱ | popular | liked by a lot of people ≠ unpopular | Coffee is probably the most popular drink in the world. | مشهور |
۲۲ | probably | used to say that something is likely to happen, likely to be true etc. | This would probably be a good time to take a break. | احتمالا، شاید |
۲۳ | season | one of the main periods into which a year is divided, which each have a particular type of weather. In the west, the seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter | the effect on plants as the seasons change | فصل |
۲۴ | kind | saying or doing things that show that you care about other people and want to help them or make them happy ≠ unkind | She’s a very kind and generous person. | مهربان |
۲۵ | hospitable | friendly, welcoming, and generous to visitors ≠ inhospitable | The local people were very kind and hospitable. | مهمان نواز |
۲۶ | suitable | having the right qualities for a particular person, purpose, or situation ≠ unsuitable | We are hoping to find a suitable school. | مناسب |
۲۷ | international | relating to or involving more than one nation = national | The goal of the program is to increase international understanding and good will. | بین المللی |
۲۸ | pyramids | the ancient Egyptian pyramids, which were built to contain the bodies and possessions of the dead pharaohs (=kings of ancient Egypt). | There are more than 100 Pyramids in Egypt. | اهرام |
۲۹ | ancient | belonging to a time long ago in history, especially thousands of years ago ≠ modern | Doc drives an ancient Ford convertible. | قدیمی، عتیقه، کهن |
۳۰ | desert | a large area of land where it is always very hot and dry, and there is a lot of sand | This area of the country is mostly desert. | بیابان |
۳۱ | entertainment | activities that people enjoy | He plays the piano only for his entertainment. | تفریح |
۳۲ | domestic | relating to one country | Domestic flights are cheaper than international flights. | داخلی |
۳۳ | culture | the way of life, especially the beliefs and behavior of a group of people | Alice is studying Persian language and culture. | فرهنگ |
۳۴ | range | a set of similar things | This shop sells a wide range of garden fruits. | سری |
۳۵ | paradise | a place or situation that is extremely pleasant, beautiful, or enjoyable | The hotel felt like paradise after two weeks of camping. | بهشت، خوشی |
۳۶ | tourism | the business of providing things for people to do, places for them to stay etc. while they are on holiday | The country depends on tourism for much of its income. | توریسم |
۳۷ | health | the general condition of your body and how healthy you are | I’m worried about my husband’s health. | سلامتی |
۳۸ | own | used to emphasize that something belongs to or is connected with a particular person or thing and not any other | Bring your own equipment. | خود |
۳۹ | attract | o make someone interested in something, or make them want to take part in something | What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel. | جذب کردن |
۴۰ | activity | something that you do because you enjoy it | Regular physical activity helps to control your weight. | فعالیت |
Num | Word | Definition | Example | Meaning |
۴۱ | delicious | very pleasant to taste or smell | Thank you. That was a delicious meal. | خوشمزه |
۴۲ | traditional | being part of the traditions of a country or group of people | He has traditional ideas about education. | سنتی |
۴۳ | ceremony | an important social or religious event, when a traditional set of actions is performed in a formal way = ceremonial | the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games | مراسم مذهبی |
۴۴ | continent | a large mass of land surrounded by sea | In which continent can we visit the ancient pyramids? | قاره |
۴۵ | passport | a small official document that you get from your government, that proves who you are, and which you need in order to leave your country and enter other countries | She was born in New York and has an American passport. | گذرنامه |
۴۶ | visa | an official mark put on your passport that gives you permission to temporarily enter or leave a foreign country | I was still in New York, trying to get a visa for Russia. | روا دید |
۴۷ | embassy | a group of officials who represent their government in a foreign country, or the building they work in | The American Embassy employs 50 local people in administrative positions. | سفارت خانه |
۴۸ | foreign | from or relating to a country that is not your own | Can you speak any foreign languages? | خارجی |
۴۹ | familiar | someone or something that is familiar is well-known to you and easy to recognize | The voice on the phone sounded familiar. | آشنا |
۵۰ | safely | in a way that is safe | I think we can safely assume that she will pass the exam. | صحیح و سالم، با اطمینان |
۵۱ | behavior | the things that a person or animal does | It is important to reward good behavior. | رفتار |
۵۲ | rule | an official instruction that says how things must be done or what is allowed, especially in a game, organization, or job = law, regulation | The rules of the game are quite simple. | قانون |
۵۳ | break a rule | not obey a rule | If you break the rules, it just spoils the whole game. | شکستن قانون |
۵۴ | culture | the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society | A brief history of Western culture. | فرهنگ |
۵۵ | value | your ideas about what is right and wrong, or what is important in life | We should be polite to people and their values. | ارزش |
۵۶ | image | the opinion people have of a person, organization, product etc. or the way a person, organization etc. seems to be to the public | They attempt to improve the public image of the police. | تصور |
۵۷ | respect | to admire someone because they have high standards and good qualities such as fairness and honesty = admire | I respect his views, although I do not agree with them. | احترام گذاشتن |
۵۸ | get around | not like something or someone else, or not like before ≠ similar | Our sons are very different from each other. | متفاوت |
۵۹ | go out | correct or suitable for a particular time, situation, or purpose ≠ inappropriate | Considering what he did, I think the punishment was appropriate. | مناسب |
۶۰ | modal | one of these verb forms: can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, used to, need, had better, and dare. They are all used with other verbs to express ideas such as possibility, permission, or intention = auxiliary verb | Use appropriate modal to complete the following sentences. | افعال کمکی |
۶۱ | midnight | ۱۲ o’clock at night | We stayed there until after midnight. | نیمه شب |
Num | Word | Definition | Example | Meaning |
۶۲ | midday | the middle of the day, at or around 12 o’clock | I’m meeting him at midday. | سر ظهر |
۶۳ | sunrise | the time when the sun first appears in the morning = daybreak | A farmer’s day begins at sunrise. | طلوع آفتاب |
۶۴ | sunset | the time of day when the sun disappears and night begins | We take the flag down at sunset. | غروب آفتاب |
۶۵ | obligation | a moral or legal duty to do something | Employers have an obligation to treat all employees equally. | اجبار |
۶۶ | possibility | if there is a possibility that something is true or that something will happen, it might be true or it might happen | There’s always a possibility that he might go back to Tehran. | امکان، احتمال |
۶۷ | honestly | used to emphasize that what you are saying is true, even though it may seem surprising | I honestly don’t know how old my parents are. | صادقانه |
۶۸ | pattern | the regular way in which something happens, develops, or is done | Weather patterns have changed in recent years. | دارو |
۶۹ | contrast | a difference between people, ideas, situations, things etc. that are being compared | While there are similarities in the two cultures, there are also great contrasts. | تقابل، مغایرت |
۷۰ | emphasis | special attention or importance | In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness. | تاکید کردن تاکید |
۷۱ | neat | tidy and carefully arranged | His clothes were always neat and clean. | مرتب |
۷۲ | patient | able to wait calmly for a long time or to accept difficulties, people’s annoying behavior etc. without becoming angry ≠ impatient | The emphasis should be on the first syllable. | تاکید |
۷۳ | rude | speaking or behaving in a way that is not polite and is likely to offend or annoy people = impolite; ≠ polite | Bill’s not afraid to express his opinions. | بیان کردن |
۷۴ | quick | lasting for or taking only a short time | It’s probably quicker by train. | سریع |
۷۵ | probable | likely to exist, happen, or be true | It seems probable that the election will be held in May. | ممکن |
۷۶ | cruel | making someone suffer or feel unhappy | Children can sometimes be very cruel. | ظالم |
۷۷ | hungry | wanting to eat something | If you get hungry, there’s some cold chicken in the fridge. | گرسنه |
۷۸ | generous | someone who is generous is willing to give money, spend time etc. in order to help people or give them pleasure ≠ mean | She’s always very generous to the kids. | سخاوتمند |
۷۹ | illness | a disease of the body or mind, or the condition of being ill | She had all the normal childhood illnesses. | بیماری |
۸۰ | prepare | to make a meal or a substance | Before you start painting, prepare the walls by cleaning them and filling any cracks. | مقایسه کردن |
۸۱ | junk food | food that is not healthy, for example because it contains a lot of fat, sugar etc. | It’s too easy to end up living off junk food. | غذای ناسالم، هله هوله |